Valery RW3AI kindly sent me the rules of the Russian Field Contest:
"RUSSIAN FIELD" - QRP contest-game
Founder: RU-QRP Club
Starts: On July, 17th, 2010 at 07:00 UTC
Ends: On July, 17th, 2010 at 11:00 UTC
The purpose of this contest-game is increase of interest to work QRP in field conditions on self-made equipment, and also joint rest with a family.
Power: Only QRP - 5 W CW and Digital, 10 watts SSB.
Bands: 80 meters, 40 meters, 20 meters, 15 meters, 10 meters
Types of modulation: CW, DIGITAL, SSB
Competitions are held in the QRP-frequency.
CW 3560,3577 7030 14060 21060 28060,
SSB 3690 7090 14285 21285 28360
The general call: "CQ RF".
Entry Categories:
- Single Operator QRP
- Multi-Operators QRP
Operator changing his position from the "field" to "home" or vice versa,
considered a party to the subgroup "Field".
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for field station used alternative power supplies (battery, solar, wind etc)
and from AC.
"Field" temporary position organised by the operator out of door is considered.
Real RST(RS, RSQ),membership number RU-QRP,(not members of the Club, send NM);
Plus one letter from word F.I.E.L.D.
"HOME" Subgroups stations (and returned back home from "FIELD" position)
send always only one letter "D"
"FIELD" stations - The exchange letter is changed at every tenth QSO using the letters F I E L consecutively. The letter D is reserved only for fixed stations.
So QSOs #1-10 use the letter "F",
QSOs #11-20 the letter "I"
QSOs #21-30 the letter "E"
QSOs #31-40 the letter "L"
So from QSO #41 then goes back to F again. etc.
Example: UR5LAM de RK4FB ur 579/086/i.
Or RK4FB de RX3ALL ur RST 579 my RUQRP nr 79/E
During QSO it is possible to exchange and other information (a name, QTH, working conditions and etc)
Repeated QSO allowed on different bands and different types of modulation
and at the SAME BAND and the SAME TYPE of modulation,
if one station was replaced by the LETTER.
The fact that the letter been changed, you can inform by CQ call (CQ RF/i)
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- 1 point per QSO. The Contest Manager will add 1 point plus if the QSO will confirmed in participants logs.
- For each qso with RU-QRP club member extra 5 points.
- For each complete set of letters F.I.E.L.D. additional 20 points.
During the game, missing letter in a series set F.I.E.L.D
can use one letter from own a series on 10 QSO, provided it meets
missing letter .
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The final result is declared by: total points for QSO + points for RU-QRP members qso + points for the collected sets F.I.E.L.D.
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All participants will receive internet certificates .
Participants in the subgroups of "field" and "home" who rank 1,2,3,4 and 5 th places are awarded special certificates.
Five participants - members of the RU-QRP CLUB, took five top places in the subgroup of "field", awarded prizes.
Mandatory requirement for applicants for the prizes - to place at the Club or send a report the story of competition,
description of the working positions, photographs that reflect the working conditions, the use of antennas, power supply.
Participants actuated with 6 members of the RU-QRP Club who are working in "field" conditions, are awarded the diploma "RU-QRP CLUB".
For this purpose, attached to the report accompanying the letter, you must specify the request for the extradition of a diploma.
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Candidates must send an account of the standard connections on the address
E-mail: ru-qrp-club (at)
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Reports in the format Cabrillo by e-mail
Comments, stories, photo reports are required.
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Logs Submission:
E-mail: ru-qrp-club (at)
Home page:
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17 august 2010
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