Last night I stopped by at the club station to check if the 10m band was open. I worked a couple of stations before M0HLT asked me if the NRAU Activity Contest was about to start. I told him that I didn't think so and that NAC is only arranged every second thursday of the month.
After finishing the qso I checked with the NRRLs webiste and found out that I was wrong. NAC is arranged the first thursday of the month. I tried to look up Andys e-mail on the web to correct the misleading info but couldn't find it. I'm terribly sorry Andy!
I joined the contest and worked 12 stations in the one hour SSB part. All with an Kenwood TS-570D turned down to 5w and a vertical CB antenna.
I could see from the DX cluster that an OHØ-station was active but the skip was to long to work him. To bad as I need Aland for my DXCC.
DXCCs: OH, DL, G, F, S5
Spring sun - NOT amateur radio
6 hours ago
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