Monday, September 20, 2010


After reading about Steve's project, last night I finally found time and energy to reinstall my trusty FT-857 in the car. I have been QRT for a while after finding a blown fuse on the wires from the battery to the boot where the radio used to be installed. It turned out that the insulation on the wire was destroyed. I have now reinstalled the radio and put the new wires inside a protective rubber sleeve I got from a school mate that used to work in a workshop.

I'm now able to work both HF and VHF/UHF with an ATAS-100 screwdriver antenna and a short 2m/70cm whip from MFJ called MFJ-1724B. And just for the record; my FT-857 is always turned down to 5w on HF...


  1. I look forward to reading about what contacts you manage to make using QRP mobile. Personally I believe that 10W can still be considered QRP on SSB, and I have managed to work to the USA using 10W from my K2 and an MP-1 antenna.

  2. Good Morning I too had an FT-857 in the car some time ago but took it out as just could not get rid of the QRM from the engine. I now have a new car and will be checking your blog with interest to see how things go? First I will have to purchase a new mobile rig as I sold the FT-857.

  3. Thanks for your comments! I will keep you updated, that is if I can get the ATAS-100 to work! When I was tuning it today the sound of the motor suddenly changed and it seemed that the moving part of the antenna fastened.

    I have tried to loosen it manually with no luck. This has happened before so I hope I will be able to fix it.

  4. Last night I brought the ATAS-100 antenna inside to test it with a variable power supply. I powered it with 8V and 11V dc and it did both extend and retract. A fellow amateur here in Skien tipped me that the center pin of the ATAS-100 sometimes has problems with the connection to the socket. He told me he had to drop a metal spring from a ball point pen inside the center of the SO-239 socket to get a good connection. I will try this with my antenna tomorrow.
