Wednesday, August 31, 2011

APRS weather station?

I have been looking around the web to find an inexpensive aprs capable weather station kit. It seems to me that the only options are the FD-WX1 from Fox Delta and the µWeather from RXComm. The FD-WX1 looks like a nice kit but it's not currently available and the µWeather is not a kit as they only sell the bare PCB without any parts.

Any suggestions?


  1. Have you looked at the Argent Data Wx station gear? You don;t specify your exact requirements so this may not be for you... 73

  2. Hi Steve!

    Thanks for your suggestion! I will consider the WX station from Argent Data if I can't find a suitable kit.

    72/73! Mads, la1tpa

  3. Hei Mads,

    I have just ordered the Argent OpenTracker USB in order to monitor indoor and eventually also outdoor temperature at my mountain cabin. I am interested in hearing if you were able to find a solution for the weather station?


  4. Hei Sverre!

    I ended up with the ADS-WX1 from Argent Data and I use it to monitor indoor temperature and humidity. Later I will look into the possibility to connect an external DS18S20 Temperature Sensor to monitor outside temperature as well.

    Good luck with your project!

    73! Mads

  5. Hei Mads,

    Takker så mye!

    Thanks for the info, if I have understood right the OpenTracker USB will monitor temperature locally. I also have been thinking about using a DS18S20 chip outside. As far as I can tell from the position info you cannot be so far away from my cabin in Telemark.


  6. Hi,I would very much appreciate a permanent link on your blog-site to my QRP shortwave website.

    Here’s a link to my QRP-website:

    Thank you very much in advance!

